I Need You Lord

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I Need You Lord
Words and Music by Gill McFarlane
CCLI Number 7114056

I have the fire of the Spirit burning in my soul
I haven’t been the same since Jesus made me whole
I’m a hundred percent sold our for His cause
Raising my hands, in Him I will rejoice
Praise Him, praise Him, He is my Lord

Verse 1
Drawn by love before Your throne
Your grace has opened up the door
I’m comforted by Mercy’s kiss
And this I know, I need You Lord

Your perfect love, unending wisdom,
Amazing grace that won my freedom
The healing power of Your Kingdom
But there’s something (one thing) I need more
I need You, Lord

Verse 2
Jesus come, You have the key
This heart is thirsty, Oh, for more
I wait for You, I will be still
Because I know, I need You Lord

I believe, Jesus, I believe
Your promises my hope
Unshakeable and sure
I receive, Jesus, I receive
I put my hand in Yours
You are my reward

Bigger Than Anything

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Bigger Than Anything
Words and Music by Gill McFarlane
CCLI Number 7114052

Verse 1
There’s a sound growing around us
People hear it sung
It comes from the heart of those who know
That Jesus Christ has died and has risen
He calls His people on
To declare with strength and boldness
All that He has done

My God is very, very big
He’s bigger than anything
My God is Lord of heaven and earth
My God is very, very big
He’s the beginning and the end
My God has taken hold of my hand

Verse 2
The heavens declare His awesome glory
Jesus is the One
All of creation will shout His fame
Every tongue and every tribe will come out
Rejoicing in the Son
The Lamb of God our Shepherd
Victory He has won

My God is big
My God is strong
Magnificent, Almighty One
The El-Shaddai
He is my God

Glorious Lamb Of God

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Glorious Lamb Of God
Words and Music by Gill McFarlane
CCLI Number 7114053

Verse 1
Now is the time, this is the place
Your people seek Your face
At this moment Lord, we will bring
Our hearts an offering

Glorious, Lamb of God
Magnificent, Righteous Son
Beautiful Majesty
Powerful, Reigning King
Anthems and praises ring
Forever, always for You

Verse 2
I worship You, You alone
You have my heart it’s Yours to own
With open arms reaching out
Fullness of joy have I found

Beautiful, Lord of all
Jesus, King to me
Beautiful, Lord of all
Jesus, King to me


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Words and Music by Gill McFarlane
CCLI Number 7114060

Verse 1
Beauty for ashes
From mourning came joy
In death was found life
Through the one sacrifice

Verse 2
Healing from pain
Heaven our gain
Chains swept away
Freedom found in one name

All eyes will behold Him
Lifted up is He
Shout the name of Jesus
Shining Majesty

Rejoice, rejoice
Lift hands, heart and voice
To the only one worthy to stand
The King, the King
Praises we bring
Jesus, the Lion and Lamb

More of You

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More Of You
Words and Music by Gill McFarlane
CCLI Number 7114059

Verse 1
Revive us, Lord
We desire more of You
Fill us, God, fill this longing
For You, all You

Verse 2
Your presence, Lord
All increasing, breaking through
Know us God, know completely
And make us new

More of You, Lord, more of You
Take us deeper, draw us closer
You we worship, You adore
Flood this place with You

Smile upon our song
Let it touch Your heart
Reaching out Your hand
Fill us now anew, God

Verse 3
We wait for You
Holy fire, Lord refine us
Once again, like a rushing wind
Your Spirit come

Beautiful the Lord

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Beautiful The Lord
Words and Music by Gill McFarlane
CCLI Number 7114051

Verse 1
If I could gaze upon Your face
What wonder just a glimpse would make
What words describe the beauty that I’d see

Pre Chorus
Lifter of my head
Lover in whose hands I rest
Champion of my heart

How holy
How worthy
How beautiful the Lord
How holy
How worthy
My God to love You more

Verse 2
With all my heart, mind and strength
Pursuing You until the end
When to my King I bow down, Oh in awe

Pre Chorus
Lifter of my head
Lover in whose hands I rest
Champion of my heart

Hallelujah, hallelujah, beautiful the Lord

God Breaks Through

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God Breaks Through
Words and Music by Gill McFarlane
CCLI Number 7114054

Verse 1
Taste and see that the Lord, He is good
Countless stories, all we’ve seen, all we’ve heard
Grace and mercy have captured my heart
I am so thankful for this peace that I’ve got

My God breaks through for me, He will break through
Everyday into freedom, I’ll have a million reasons to
Praise him, oh-o praise Him, and praise Him, again and again

Verse 2
Eyes to see, ears to hear, call my name
It is you I run to, I’m following
In times of dark and doubting I will look up
And stand forever shouting, You are my God

He lays a table for me,
Before my enemies
He fights the battle for me
Gives me the victory

Bridge 2
He lays a table for me
He won the battle for me
Forever I will boast in Him
My God who rescued me


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Words and Music by Gill McFarlane
CCLI Number 7114058

Verse 1
Called out of darkness into Your light
Saved by Your promise, cleansed in Your sight
I will praise, sing Your praise
I will praise, sing Your praise

Majesty, Majesty
Worship You, You alone
Lifted high, glorified
Jesus, Jesus on the throne

Verse 2
Part of Your family, bearing Your name
Strengthened in love, Lord, my heart proclaims
You are God, the I Am
You are God, the I Am

Immanuel, God, God is with us
Immanuel, Immanuel